Assignment #6

I think that the Lyre bird is pretty interesting. There are lots of similar birds that can mimic other sounds that they’ve heard. The car alarm was very accurate and I find it strange that a bird in nature can mimic a sound scarcely heard out there. It shows that no matter how far removed something is from society it will always affect you. It’s a bit scary to think that nature isn’t quite as removed as we thought. Regardless of how far we get from it, everything will always be affected by society.

By abbeykl



No, she wasn’t a size 2. No, she didn’t crash diet. And no, she didn’t care what anyone thought of her. Marilyn Monroe is the epitome of beauty. She was a curvy girl with a personality bigger than her smile. The media bombards us with the repeated concept that “thin is in”, and that if God didn’t make something the way you want it, there’s a surgeon that can. Our true beauty is the confidence and aura that we exude to those around us. Sure, there is still positivity in the media, yet it seems that negativity always prevails. There are so many pressures on today’s generation: the pressure to be popular, to be beautiful, to have the best of everything. We succumb to this pressure and refuse to challenge it but rather just accept it and adapt. I think that if it is at all possible, we should hope to revert to the beauty and postivity of women during the earlier 1900’s.

By abbeykl



Samantha from Bewitched was somewhat similar to the witches of the Puritan times. Like those witches, Samantha was a wife, a mother, and she struggled to keep her identity as a witch undercover. Frequently casting spells at her convenience, people were often suspicious of her and the strange things that occurred while in her prescence. However, there were quite a few differences between Samantha and the witches of the Puritan villages. Aside from having every action and spell scripted, Samantha’s husband and mother knew she was a witch. Most Puritan women weren’t actually witches, but they were accused of being them, yet Samantha was a real witch. The time period obviously differed, like a woman’s standing in society. In the Puritan times, women were subordinates to their husbands and were denied many rights. However, the 1960’s and 1970’s were a growth period for women’s rights. Able to vote and almost be equal, women were more independent and less reliant upon their husbands. Samantha displayed the example of the new age woman, and the modern witch. She mainly used her powers for good, unlike Puritan women who were accused of using witchcraft to cause harm and to steal husbands from their wives. Samantha is far from the stereotypical terrifying witch with green skin and a boiling cauldron. I think our points of view have changed because we have become more logical about strange occurrences. We don’t jump to conclusions and accuse innocent people of causing our misfortune. Now that we use reason when explaining things, I think we appreciate witches for more entertainment value, and we are intrigued by the mystery that surrounds them.

By abbeykl

Having a Class Blog

I’ve never had a class blog before, but I think it’s very 21st century, which is unlike most other assignments at school. I like it better than writing, and it’s much more convenient. I think that as technology progresses, we become more reliant upon those innovations, and then we somewhat abandon our old ways. I’m glad we’re using the class blog as opposed to writing out assignments.

By abbeykl

Sorting People

My first time completing the exercise I got about 8 right. It was really difficult because everyone has preconceived notions at how people of different races appear, and it’s crazy how wrong you can be. Most people stereotype when seeing someone; they assume their race merely based on their appearance, which is not always the best indicator. Assuming someone is a certain race can be offensive and very hurtful. Our appearance is no indication of our background, and it can be deceiving. Our society has shown us stereotypes of different races, and we adhere our mindset to those. As cliche as it sounds, we should never judge a book by its cover.

By abbeykl